Dorinco Reinsurance Company

A Professional Reinsurer for Insurance Professionals. Affiliated with The Dow Chemical Company.

Annual Message―Year End 2023

Dorinco continues to perform very well despite challenging and uncertain market conditions. The company remains solid in its position as a niche market for assumed reinsurance, specializing in less volatile and more predictable lines of insurance. Dorinco will continue to have a stable market presence, expanding into these niche markets, offering easy access, efficient service and creative insurance products. Targeted clients continue to be regional U.S. insurance companies.

Home Office

Sylvia Stoesser Center
2211 H.H. Dow Way
Midland, MI 48674
Telephone: (989) 636-0047
Fax: (989) 638-9963

Office Hours: 8am - 5pm Eastern Time

Annual Statement
Officers & Directors
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